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7 + 4=

2016-08-14 09:42:31
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Well if you have real questions ask them, don't be shy. They wont let anybody else ask them, they just arrest them. That in itself is a glaring clue. Why hasn't obama made any public statements on the challenges to the COLB he released? Why hasn't the FBI been involved? Is it because the entire government, judiciary, and media will have to be prosecuted for conspiring to commit fraud? Why wont anybody address the issues?

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2016-08-14 03:50:45
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This info is the cat's pajamas!

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2016-08-13 19:33:46
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woot! happy birthday and what an incredible giveaway pile you have here! i am a BLOOM fan on FB now, (Tamsen Clicks) And why I want to win: um, cause everything you have listed here is incredible!!!!!!! and anything to help me spend more time with my babies is a good thing!

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2016-08-13 15:15:40
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Spunky, that is fantastic. And I'm glad I'm not alone in this kind of problem. But, yes, I totally believe that they would get you hooked <smile>.Melonie, I can't wait for your Sonlight Moments <smile>.Ken, I'm glad these have been as encouraging for you as they have been for me. Thanks for reading <smile>.Oh, and just to inspire more reading, check . Made me laugh. ~Luke

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2016-08-13 09:49:43
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Superleuke foto’s. Mijn zoon Guus (oranje shirt rode broek) liep mee met groep 7. Hij haalde op het laatste moment nog iemand in en werd daardoor derde. Ik heb dit niet kunnen zien want ik stond zelf niet zo strategisch, maar jouw foto’s brachten dit geweldig in beeld. Met de bijbehorende gezichtsuitdrukking. Dank voor dit leuke cadeautje!

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2016-08-13 02:44:23
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to harass women of all type, ugly or not.DSK had even been warned that his antics would cause trouble for him in the USA, where people are rather less tolerant of sexual harassment in general than in France.

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2016-08-12 18:22:28
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2016-08-12 16:38:13
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me ausento unos dias poetas, aunque estos ultimos no os he dedicado el tiempo que merecen vuestras palabras.Me voy con el alma llena de vida señores: un abrazo enorme al hombre de las manos hermosas y otro al hombre de la mirada clara.

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2016-08-12 11:30:02
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Okay I love this. And it looks doable! (then again, so did those slippers!). And I’m loving the pillow with the birch trees too! We are renoing our basement and I’m dreaming of new couches…that pillow would be perfect!

2016-08-12 07:41:46
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You've got it in one. Couldn't have put it better.