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2016-08-29 06:32:11
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Thanks very much to Dave and Tonya at Ground Zero for the hookup. I thought it was a very good movie, although I’m going to have to let it sink in before I could rank it. Kudos on a rare trilogy where all three films were very good efforts.Distracting: Bane having the voice of Sean Connery, or at least a comedian’s Sean Connery impersonation.

2016-08-29 06:24:40
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Super jazzed about getting that know-how.

2016-08-29 06:20:28
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Re: Hitchens and AtheismThe issue isn't that Hitchens was an atheist, there are atheists on a similar spectrum like Pat Condell and Bill Maher who dislike religion but don't engage in the kind of bigotry and use of stereotypes that Hitchens did.There's a difference between opposing Judaism and Anti-Semitism and Hitchens relied on Anti-Semitic stereotypes.

2016-08-29 06:06:56
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Unfortunatly Felicity, you’re right. High School never ends. It never ends. Multi-million dollar projects and whole divisions of studios are sagged into the political mire of H’Wood and corporate dick-wad-ism.The saving factor is people like us who really care about ideas and the media’s responsibility and our personal efforts to raise the flag, anyway. Thank you for your post! -t.

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2016-08-29 05:28:33
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Mein Produkt des Lebens ist der Reisauflauf meiner Mutter. Der schmeckt immer super, erinnert an die Heimat und Kindheit, macht aus schlechter Laune gute Laune, tröstet, hilft bei Stres, usw. ……… und er schmeckt nur bei meiner Mutter!!

2016-08-29 05:19:17
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That's really thinking of the highest order

2016-08-29 04:46:43
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“I suppose I’d rather eat healthy food than food that died of disease before it was slaughtered or harvested.” Perfect! That’s the only definition of “healthy food” we should care about.

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2016-08-29 04:13:01
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That's what was quite interesting and why I asked - and thank you again for your trouble in posting it.Hey, no problem. Sorry it took me so long!Where did you get GDP data back to the 1700's? How accurate is it?

2016-08-29 04:11:03
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Mullekin on jäänyt mieleen voimakkaasti tuo Viimeinen lapsitähti. Pidin siitä, vaikka novelleja ovatkin. En ole lukenut näitä uusimpia Verrosia, mutta niistä vanhoista olen pitänyt valtavasti. uudetkin olisi tarkoitus lukea. Joskus. :)

2016-08-29 04:03:59
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Aww thanks Kim! You and Karen just made my day he will actually turn 8 (!) in about a month. Time flies! I got him from a shelter and he’s a mutt, but we think he’s part springer spaniel. Not sure what else is mixed in there!